
2020-12-21 来源:区块珠 阅读:673

pi币程序主页开发者内容即将到来!按照之前π的计划,核心开发团队打算慢慢的开放主程序里面的独立的内容创作中心,也就是说,以后除了核心开发团队之外,其他的普通人也可以使用。而派提供更多应用先锋和一个试图测试的内容一个实用程序的π在关注市场的未来。阅读以上更多内容,并建议内容创造者。Non-Core-Team content coming soon!非核心团队内容即将推出!


原文:The Pi app’s home screen has been used by only the Core Team to make announcements and organize community activities so far. But the Core Team plans to slowly open up the home screen channel for more content creators other than the Core Team itself to broadcast their content. This means, from now on, the content on the home screen will not always come from the Core Team. The production of such content is independent of the Core Team. The views and information provided by Pioneers or influencers are of their own and do not represent the views or decisions of the Core Team.We’ll try to label non-Core-Team content as clearly as we can, but please pay attention to who creates each post going forward.

翻译:到目前为止,只有Core Team使用Pi微群信jiumeng1473692580应用程序的主屏幕进行公告和组织社区活动。但是,核心团队计划缓慢开放主屏幕频道,以供核心团队以外的更多内容创作者播放其内容。这意味着从现在开始,主屏幕上的内容将不再总是来自核心团队。此类内容的制作独立于核心团队。先驱者或影响者提供的观点和信息仅供参考,并不代表核心团队的观点或决定。我们将尽力为非核心团队内容添加清晰的标签,但请注意以后创建每篇帖子的人员。点评:Pi应用主页将会显示非官方的消息,将会显示全球优质创作者的Pi内容创作。有点像公众号、今日头条号等,也许未来会成为另一个自媒体的创作中心;

原文:For the non-Core-Team content, the home screen will initially feature good critiques, suggestions and educational content from Pioneers or general good content-creators on the internet even outside Pi Network, constituting the Creators Series. Due to the international audience of the Pi community, such content will be mostly in English. Soon we’ll also launch a Mods Series that a group of Pi Chat Moderators are preparing right now to provide bite-size educational content about Pi or general blockchain information for Pioneers. This is in line with Pi’s mission of making cryptocurrency more accessible to everyday people who are new to the technology, industry and Pi. The type of content can expand from initially only about Pi to more general good-quality content.

翻译:对于非核心团队内容,主屏幕最初将包含先锋或来自Pi Network以外的互联网上一般优秀内容创建者的优秀评论,建议和教育内容,从而构成了创作者系列。由于Pi社区的国际读者,此类内容大部分将以英语提供。不久,我们还将启动一个Mods系列,一组Pi聊天主持人正在立即准备,以为Pioneers提供有关Pi的一口大小的教育内容或常规区块链信息。这与Pi的使命相一致,即使技术,行业和Pi的新手都能更容易地使用加密货币。内容的类型可以从最初的仅Pi扩展到更一般的高质量内容。

原文:While the initial content series in the pilot program will not cost Pi to post, the Core Team expects to integrate certain use of Pi to curate the content and organize non-Core-Team creators’ access to the home screen channel that reaches millions of Pioneers further down the line. This is not only part of the Pi utility experiment on the attention market, but also attempts to innovate on how quality content can be achieved and consumed in social media – an idea that we introduced in the Pi Convention: a scarce social media channel, as opposed to the currently abundant millions of social media channels where everyone can host, e.g. on Instagram, YouTube. The Pi scarce social media channel tries to solve information overload and low signal-to-noise ratio problems through the moderation of a token mechanism and human crowd curation.

翻译:虽然试点计划中的初始内容系列将不会花费Pi发布,但核心团队希望整合Pi的某些使用来策划内容,并组织非Core-Team创作者访问主屏幕的渠道,该频道可覆盖数百万个Pioneers 再往下走。这不仅是关注市场上Pi实用程序实验的一部分,而且还尝试着创新如何在社交媒体上实现和消费高质量的内容-我们在Pi Convention中引入的想法是:稀缺的社交媒体渠道,例如 与目前每个人都可以托管的数百万个社交媒体渠道相对,例如 在Instagram,YouTube上。Pi稀缺的社交媒体渠道试图通过调节令牌机制和人群管理来解决信息过载和信噪比低的问题。

原文:If you are a content creator interested in the pilot program of the Creators Series, or if you want to recommend another content creator that you follow, please fill in the form on the home screen. The Core Team will review your submissions and contact the creator for the pilot program if the content is of good quality and fit.

